Cannabis CBD Legal in TX!Connect With Us
CBD, the active healing ingredient in cannabis, is Legal in Texas!
CBD oil is now available in capsules/soft gels as well as liquid and “mints”- chewable tablets. We carry these products now and wanted to let you know it was available here,
People have asked what it’s used for and we have a printed list but we wanted to put it out so others would know as well.
C B D Helps these Conditions
Acne Kidney Disease
ADD & ADHD Liver Disease
Additions Mental Clarity
AIDS Memory
ALS Metabolic Syndrome
Alzheimer’s Disease Migraine
Anorexia Mood Disorders
Antibiotic Resistance Motion Sickness
Anxiety Multiple Sclerosis, MS
Atherosclerosis Nausea
Arthritis Neurodegeneration
Asthma Neuropathic Pain
Autism Obesity
Bipolar Disorder OCD
Bone Health Osteoporosis
Cancer Parkinson’s Disease
Colitis & Crohn’s Mad Cow Disease
Depression PTSD
Diabetes Rheumatism
Endocrine Disorders Schizophrenia
Epilepsy & Seizures Sickle Cell Anemia
Fibromyalgia Sleep Disorders
Glaucoma Spinal Cord Injuries
Heart Disease Stress
Huntington’s Disease Stroke
Inflammation Traumatic Brain Injury
Irritable Bowel Syn. IBS
Greatest effect is with daily use for 7 days or more at about .10 to .25 mg per pound.
We carry bottles of 750 mg CBD liquid per bottle, 25 mg CBD per dropperful of 1 ml; soft gels with 750 mg CBD per bottle, 25 mg CBD per soft gel; and chewable tablets “mints” in Spearmint and Strawberry-Mango flavors of 250 mg CBD per bottle, 10 mg CBD per tablet.
We chose a Colorado company that grows their own non-THC plants and processes the extract themselves, controlling the entire process. They use Organic non-GMO growing methods and do a full plant profile herbal type extraction so you get the entire plant profile of all the different cannabidiols as well as the terpenes and other compounds naturally occurring in the plant.
Stock on hand may be limited at times so call ahead for availability.
Thank you, and we look forward to keeping you informed!