
Measles! Learn the Truth!

Learn the Truth about Measles! The site below is Attorney Robert F Kennedy’s site for Children’s Health Defense. https://childrenshealthdefense.org/news/the-facts-about-measles/?utm_source=mailchimp What you really need to do is weigh the Risks! …

Antioxidant Supplements Increase Mortality!

        Antioxidant Supplements             Increase Mortality!!                         Written By Dr Michael Greger M.D. FACLM on April 17th, 2018 In my video Industry Response to Plants Not Pills, I discuss a famous study that started so many down the wrong …

This may Save Your Life! Crystal Ball Heart Test

    The Crystal Ball Heart Test                 Rarely Used                                      Ronald Grisanti, DC, DABCO, DACBN, MS We have learned that elevated fibrinogen, hsCRP, a CT heart scan, and homocysteine are among the many …

Some Life Changing Stories

Parkinson’s disease, depression, paralysis, renal failure, Lyme disease, brain injuries, fibromyalgia, liver disease, blindness, anxiety. There is no common thread as to what causes those diverse set of health …
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